FlexNet boot issue

While updating grub2 recently an error message ran across my terminal saying something about ‘FlexNet’ saving data to ‘Sector 32’, and grub2 taking issue with that. Although my system did boot correctly afterwards (grub2 obviously found a workaround while the legacy grub would simply halt), I do not like software, other than my bootloader, writing […]

Easter date

Long before any computer emerged monks already knew all about ‘computus‘, which means ‘calculating the day of Easter’. A very serious matter since the date of Easter depends on the lunar calendar, instead of our common solar calendar. And in church the whole liturgical calendar pivots on that ever changing date. Wikipedia explains the whole […]

A fair call 2

Nogmaals over eerlijk bellen. Ditmaal in het Nederlands, want het gaat om een Nederlands project. Limesco is de naam. Een mobiele provider met idealen. Dat zoiets nog bestaat, zou je verzuchten. Het is het idee van een groepje tech geeks – en het idee werkt. Alle providers willen je een bundel verkopen. Als je meer […]

A fair call

Mobiles are all around, as I said before. But do we ask ourselves what they are made of, how they are produced, or what happens after we dump them? Honest answers to these questions will reveal a lot of environmental damage, unfair trade and human abuse. Especially in places where we, the decent smartphone users, […]